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The Samurai's Kunoichi wife (The men of Five Nations International) Read online

Page 6

  If it wasn't for the fact that Ken didn't even spare her a second look, she would have snatched the little tart bald. Just then Ken looked up from his menu and chuckled. If she didn't know better, she would have sworn her heard her thoughts. But there was no way he could know what she'd been thinking.

  “Let me know if I can get anything for you Mr. Fujimoto, I'll be happy to help.” The hostess whispered in a voice that she guessed was supposed to be sexy. To Kat it sounded more like a banshee. I bet she'd just love to help him with anything Kat thought as she consider all the ways she could cause bodily harm to the little tramp.

  Ken glance at her over his menu and chuckled once again. Was he reading her mind or what? She hoped not.

  “No thank you, would you send our waiter over.” He dismissed her just that easily. Kat

  smiled as the disappointed hostess left their table. Their waiter arrived moments later to take their drink orders. Once he had taken their order he left their table to fulfill it. He returned in less than two minutes with a bottle of chardonnay and wine glasses. After pouring both of them a glass he stepped away from the table until they were ready to order their food.

  “I guess she figured she'd get lucky I'm sure not many men turn down what she's

  offering.” Kat watched Ken's expression, when he merely raised one of his perfect brows as he continued to gaze at his menu. Just when she thought he wouldn't reply he did. “I imagine she would be considered attractive to many men.”

  Kat put her menu down to get a good look at him. “Yeah, I imagine so, but not you?”

  He glanced at her before answering. “No she's not my type she was just a bit over-the-top for my taste.” Turning his attention back to the menu he asked. “Do you know what you want to order?”

  You can say that again, she was definitely over the top of that blouse she was trying to wear. Kat thought to herself before answering Ken. “Yeah I know what I want to order, now tell me what is your type anyway Kenji?”

  He continued to gaze at his menu as he thought about how he'd answer her question. Just when she figured he wasn't going to answer her question, he did. “I don't know really, I'm still trying to figure her out but as soon as I know, I'll let you know now let's order.” With that said he signaled for the waiter to approach and take their order.

  After the waiter took the menu's and left the table with their order she observed Kenji as he checked out their surroundings. She knew that he was also people checking.

  Although he'd done a quick check of the place as they were shown to their seats. Something they were both taught to do when entering a strange place. Check the area around you as well as the people around you. Look for anything out of the ordinary or for someone watching you more than you’re watching them.

  While Kat observed him she was curious as to what he'd been doing over the years. She'd only heard bits and pieces about him. That was only because she'd overhear her uncle Daichi and Amaya discussing him on occasion.

  “So what have you been up to anyway? Have you been in Japan all this time?”

  He took his time before answering her. He'd spotted a man watching them. The man, made a poor attempt to act like he blended in but Ken knew he was there for them. Turning his attention back to Kat.

  “No. I was in Japan training until shortly after I turned eighteen, and then I was sent back to the states to attend college.”

  Kat took a sip of her wine as she asked Ken about attending school in the states. “I didn't know that, where did you attend?”

  Ken took a sip from his glass of wine before replying, as he continued to keep an eye on the man that was watching them. “University of Miami.”

  Kat looked at Ken in surprise. “You attended the University of Miami? You’re kidding me! What made you choose UM?”

  He sat his wine glass on the table, as he looked at her with one brow raised. “Why not? It's a great school and it was near the offices our families owned, the one I was to take over after graduating. So I stayed in Miami before briefly returning to Japan and now I'm here for our wedding.”

  Kat lifted the wine glass to her lips as she mumbled under her breath. “Don't Remind me.”

  Kenji he gazed to hers through narrowed eyes. “Like it or not we are getting married, day after tomorrow. So suck it up kid, that's life. You may not like me anymore for leaving all those years ago, but it happened so get over it so we can move on.”

  Before she had a chance to respond the waiter brought their food, all conversation was put on hold until they finished their meal.

  “Would you like dessert?” He asked as Kat continued to look as if she was thinking of ways to cause him bodily harm.

  “No I don't want dessert. I also don't want to marry you but I don't have a choice in the

  matter now do I?”

  Ken was the one looking angry now. “Look here little girl I'm getting real tired of you sounding like marrying me is a fate worse than death. Because I can see, being married to you ain't gonna be no picnic.” He said to her through clenched teeth and a calm voice.

  Kat slowly rose from the table closing her hand into fists. “Why you...”

  Kenji rose also and darted around the table so quickly that she didn't even notice him

  until he was at her side. Placing a hand on her arm as leaned in close to her, he whispered in her ear. “Oshaberi hime, you've got a big mouth princess, don’t you dare make a scene in this restaurant, now sit down.”

  Kat sat back down in her seat just as slowly as she had stood from it then watched as Ken did the same. She crossed her arms over her chest as she glared at him finally realizing what he'd said to her.

  “I know you did not just call me big mouth.”

  He glanced at her wearing a smirk. “Would I do something like that?” He said.

  Kat had been watching his lips. He had the sexiest lips she'd ever seen on a man. She imagined what these lips would feel like on her naked body. Lord have mercy it was getting hot in here. Kat reminded herself that she was mad at him right now. She remembered but her body forgot about everything but the images she was conjuring up.

  Kat narrowed her gaze at him. “Yes, you certainly would.” Instead of giving her a reply he signaled for the waiter to bring the check. “Are you ready to go?”

  Noticing how he had changed the subject she decided not to remark on it. “Yeah, where are we going now?”

  He paid the bill with cash and added a generous tip for the waiter. “You ask too many questions, let's bounce you'll see when we get there.” He stood and pulled his coat on over his suit he held his hand out for her to take.

  Kat hesitated for just a moment before slipping her hand within his. As he helped her from her chair they both felt the electrical current travel from their hands to spread throughout their wanton bodies. He reached around her with his free hand, grabbing her coat and purse from the back of the chair. His chest brushed hers as he did so, causing her nipples to harden beneath her top.

  She inhaled a nostril full of his cologne, he smelled both spicy and muscular at the same time it was a sexy and intoxicating combination.

  Kenji knew she'd felt the current between them as they'd made contact. He'd tightened his grip on her purse and coat, to keep from pulling her into his arms. His body had reacted instantly to her. Kat was the only woman on this earth that could cause his body to betray him this way. He wanted her so badly he could barely see straight.

  When they exited the restaurant and the young valet quickly dashed off to retrieve the car, as Ken assisted her in putting on her coat. Once the young valet arrived with the car Ken checked to make sure no damage had been done. After he was satisfied Ken tipped the young man very generously, which brought a smile to the terrified young man's face.

  “That was nice of you.” She said as Ken handed her into the car and closed the door.

  Once he was behind the wheel he simply said. “I can be nice on occasion.”

  “Good to know. Now let's talk a
bout who you've been hangin' around to pick up so much slang, “Let's bounce!” Where did that come from?” Kat asked as Ken started the car. He smiled at her but didn't say anything as he pulled away from the restaurant.

  Chapter Eight

  A short time later they arrived at Club Thai-Land, an elegant, upscale club located in the Buckhead area. Entry was exclusive, you had to know somebody to get in this place she'd read about it but she'd never had the opportunity to come here.

  After parking the car he escorted her to doors and was immediately granted entry, as the guy at the door greeted him like an old friend. Kenji spoke quietly with the large man for moment or two before proceeding into the club.

  Once they were inside Kat leaned in close to Kenji asking, “What was that all about?”

  Kenji scanned the club as he answered her question. “I was telling Mac about the guy that was following us from the restaurant, so he'd know not to let him into club.”

  “I thought we were being watched back at the restaurant but figured you had it under

  control. Who are you looking for now?”

  Moments later they were met by a well dressed African-American man in an expensive looking suit and hand stitched leather dress shoes. He was just a little taller than Kenji. His mahogany colored skin was smooth and flawless; he had dark brown eyes, sparkling white teeth and a shaved head. Like Kenji he wore an earring in each ear. Kenji wore tiny silver hoops but his were large black diamonds. Kat also noticed that he was wearing a Tag Heuer on his wrist.

  Kenji and the good looking stranger embraced each other in a brotherly hug.

  “Kenji-san I was happy to hear from you, it's been awhile since I've seen you, how have you been.” He spoke with an accent it sounded like he was Creole.

  Kat realized that Kenji was actually smiling, really smiling. She'd forgotten about the dimples he had in both cheeks when he smiled.

  “I'm sorry I haven't called until now, I've well, just been a little busy.” Kenji was saying to his friend.

  The man looked at Kat with a wide smile on his face. “I guess this beautiful woman is the reason you've been so busy, in that case I forgive you brutha.”

  Kenji didn't miss the way his friend looked at his woman. “Watch it bro, that's my wife your eying like open buffet.”

  Kat snapped her head in Ken's direction before turning her attention back the hunk in front of her. She stuck out her hand to shake his.

  “Yeah uh, I'm not your wife yet Kenji-san, hi I'm Kat it's nice to meet you.”

  Taking her hand he introduced himself. “I'm Thai Andrews, welcome to my club.” He proceeded to lift her hand to his lips and placed a light kiss to back of it.

  “I like him he's sweet and quite charming.” Kat said with a wide smile. Ken reached over and extracted Kat's hand from within his saying to her, “Yeah, he's sweet as chocolate


  Kat glanced at Ken and then at Thai. “I like chocolate syrup.” She replied with a wink

  and smile.

  Thai threw his head back and laughed. Ken shot a frustrated look at Kat before turning his frustration on his friend. “Thai, man cut the charming crap would ya? I don't need you encouraging her.”

  “Hey man I'm jus playin, you know you can trust me with everything and that includes your lady, I owe you too much to disrespect you like that.” When Ken realized that Thai was worried about their friendship, he lifted his fist for a, we're cool pound.

  “I trust you man she's just workin my last nerve, and she's doin it on purpose.” Kat had been people watching when she heard Kenji's remark about her.

  Snapping her head in his direction she said through clenched teeth. “Oh no you didn't, I'm working your last nerve, I'm about two seconds from going upside your head and leaving you in this club. Your skating on real thin ice right now buddy.” She finished with a finger poke to his chest.

  “See what I'm dealing with, man. I need a drink.” Ken said as he shook his head from


  Thai laughed lightly. “Okay bro let's head up to VIP I'll get you a drink up there.” On the way to VIP Kat noticed the dance floors were divided into several levels, with the largest one in the center.

  The music was blend of hip-hop, reggae-ton and Asian beats. The sounds work together

  to form a unique sound. It was hard not to let her body groove to this hot club mix. After they reached VIP, Thai fixed Ken a glass of Patron and offered Kat one, which she declined. Ken and Thai both sat in lounge chairs near the Plexiglas that over looked the dance floors below. She decided to join them for a little while.

  If only to get the story on how they became friends, then she plan to hit the dance floor.

  She looked over at Thai before asking. “So Thai how did you and Kenji met and why do you owe him so much?” He glanced towards Kenji to see if it was okay to answer her question when Kenji motion that it was okay he did.

  “Well Kenji and I met the first day of school at UM. I was there on a football scholarship and on our first day he saved my life as a car come speeding out of nowhere and tried to run me down. Kenji saw what was about to happen and pushed me out of the way. We hit it off right away even when people thought we were an odd pair.

  Later that week we found out it wasn't an accident someone was after me because I was picked as starting tight end and the only way I wouldn't play was to be taken out by an accident. It was gambling ring in the area that was trying to hurt me.

  They had a player that was going fix games for them, by missing a few crucial plays during a game, making it look incidental. When Kenji found out about it he took care of it for me he.”

  Kat turned towards Kenji before responding. “Did he now? And how exactly did he

  manager that?”

  Thai took a sip of his Patron. “I'm not sure at the time he told me not to ask questions and I didn't. If it wasn't for him I would be here. Now I own several clubs across the country and travel a lot. He is the best friend a person can have.”

  Kat rolled her eyes towards heaven. “Yeah he's a real prize.” She said as she stood, removing her coat and laying it over the back of the chair she had been sitting in.

  “Okay... Later!” She said to them as she turned for the stairs.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Ken asked in a calm voice as he got to his feet.

  She glanced over her shoulder at him as she answered. “To the dance floor, you promised we would go dancing remember? So when you’re done with your drink I'll be waiting on the dance floor.”

  With that she left him standing there watching as she disappeared through the door that led to the stairs. Ken turned to look at his friend who was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes.

  “What the hell are you laughing about?” Ken asked as he tossed back the reminder of his drink.

  “I'm sorry man but I have never seen you so frazzled, she really is working your nerves isn't she?”

  Kenji ran his hand through his hair dislodging his ponytail. He removed the elastic band and neatly reassembled the ponytail. “Man we get married in two days and she still thinks she's going to figure a way out of it.”

  Thai thought for a minute. He took a sip of his drink before saying “Why don't you change her mind about marrying you? Make her want it as much as you do. Remember what you told me in college? If this marriage is as necessary as you say it is for both your families then you need to pour on the charm, bro. Her father may be Japanese but her mother was a sista. So she's still a sista and all the sistas I know are strong, sassy, but classy women, and the one thing they all want is to be treated like a precious treasure in and out of the bedroom.”

  Ken looked away from Thai but did reply. Thai dropped his mouth open as he gazed at his friend.

  “Man don't tell me you haven't...What are you waiting for.”

  “It's customary to wait until the wedding night.” He said as he returned his gaze to Thai.

  His friend asked after a m
oment or two.

  “What... Are you crazy, man if you lay some lovin on that girl she'll calm down. Besides who's going to know but the two of you? Ya'll get marry day after tomorrow, Listen to your best man.”

  Just then three of their friends walked into the VIP room. They all greeted one another in the same manner that Thai and Kenji had greeted each other. Alex Grayson, Blake Coleman, and Prescott Hawk were all friends from college. Each one of them was connected for life. Helping each other when every necessary to honor a pact they'd made to always be there for one another while in college and after. A pact they'd kept to this day. Especially since they all connected because of the work they did.