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  • The Samurai's Kunoichi wife (The men of Five Nations International) Page 7

The Samurai's Kunoichi wife (The men of Five Nations International) Read online

Page 7

  Two of the new arrivals rushed over to the Plexiglas wall overlooking the dance floor.

  “Man ya'll have gotta see this chick burnin up the dance floor.” Blake said as Prescott fixed the drinks. “Every guy in this place is watching her in that short purple off the shoulder dress.” Alex added.

  Kenji jumped from his seat and dashed over to the window. “You have gotta be kidding me!” He exclaimed though clenched teeth.

  Thai took up the space beside him. “Man your girl can move.” Kenji turned from the

  window and flew down the stairs so fast, you could have heard the sonic boom if the music wasn't so loud.

  When Kenji reached the dance floor Kat was surrounded by what had to be every guy in the club as she rolled her hips with her arms lifted high above her head. With each move her short skirt inched higher up her thighs. He was making his way through the crowd of on looker when one of the guy's watching her dropped his hand to her bare shoulder.

  Kat never missed a beat as she removed his hand from her shoulder and twisted his wrist, applying just enough force to flip him away and to the floor as she continue to dance. Security immediately escorted the man from the club.

  She spotted Kenji a few feet away. Beckoning him to come join her with her arms

  extended towards him she continued to swerve her hips to the beat. Kenji wasn't sure if he should join her on the dance floor or strangle her for dancing like that.

  The club lights bathed her body in several different colors. He thought as he made

  his way towards her. She was mabui, beautiful, stunning. Even though her moves were erotic and provocative she moved with a smooth grace. If every man in this place was as turned on as she was making him, he didn't have to imagine their pain. He had to use all the self control he'd been taught his entire life to keep his erection at bay.

  He stopped in front of her and she placed both her hands on his chest and slowly

  slid them up and around his neck. She just as slowly trailed them down and over the backs of his arms. When her hands reached his she lifted them placing both on either side of her hips still she never missed beat as she moved her body in time to the music.

  “You know you’re driving me crazy don't you.” Kenji said as he looked down into her

  golden eyes. Kat smiled up at him.

  “Are you complaining Kenji-san because I promise you it won't get any easier when we get married.” She said before turning her body so that her back was pressed against the front of his.

  He leaned down just enough to whisper in her ear. “And I can tell you is the buildup will be worth the wait, I promise you that so be careful when you play with fire that spark you started can burn down a forest.”

  Kat laughed as she rolled her hips against his arousal. “Am I supposed to know what that means?” Then she bent forward and began to shake her hips against his ever rising arousal. Kenji could not believe she was pushing his control to its limit. He wouldn't last much longer.

  He leaned far enough to whisper close to her ear. “I dare you to bend over like that again, when I get you alone later tonight.”

  She stopped laughing then as she gently pressed her back against his front and leaned back to straighten them both to a standing position.

  Once they were in a standing position she turned to face him. Replacing her arms

  around his neck again she laced her finger together and pulled him closer. When his ear was near her mouth she said in the sultriest voice she managed.

  “And if I do, what are you going to do Mr. master-of-control. You think you can handle me?”

  Kenji took a deep breath and slowly let it out before responding to her. He slipped his arms around her waist pressing her front firmly against his erection. He bent his head towards her ear. “Oh I can handle you alright, the question is can you handle me hime, because if you keep dancing like that we're going to find out?”

  Up in VIP Thai, Alex, Blake and Prescott had all been standing at the glass window observing Ken and Kat. Alex was the one to break the silence.

  “Man he has his hands full with that one, she's a firecracker. So does anyone know if he's told her yet?”

  Thai answered for everyone. “No he hasn't told her yet. He's having a hard enough time

  getting her to go along with this marriage, I don't think he plans to tell her until after the


  The other three looked over at him. “You have got to be kidding!” Prescott said to Thai. Blake let out a laugh as he commented. “What do you think that fireball wife of his

  going to do when she finds out that he's an Interpol agent, that we're all Interpol agents working closely with the CIA to protect this country from international criminals.”

  Chapter Nine

  When they got back to VIP, three more of Kenji's friends, whom Kat hadn't met were there waiting for the chance to do so. Kenji held tight to her hand as he made the introductions.

  “These or the rest of my friends Alex Grayson, Blake Coleman and Prescott Hawk. This is my fiancée Katsumi Oshima.” She shook each of their hands. That was the first time she'd been addressed by that name. The memories of her childhood began flashing through her mind in slow motion. A childhood with both her parents before the night she'd lost them. Her father may not be dead but he might as well be, because she lost him also that night. She remembered the way they had looked at each other with so much love in their eyes. Then she remembered the last time they had looked her way as she hide in that secret compartment behind the

  bookcase on the night she had lost them.

  Kat snapped back to the present as she fixed a smile on her face. “It's nice to meet all of you. So did you guy's attend UM also?”

  Alex the self proclaimed ladies man was the one to answer as he raised her hand

  to his lips and placed a feather soft kiss there. “Yes, that's how we all met. But my question

  to you is are you sure you want marry this guy, before giving me a chance to change your


  Alex, Kat noticed was of mixed race. With his walnut colored skin, short curly hair

  and hazel eyes, with just a hint of an accent. Kat guessed that he had a blend of Hispanic blood running through his veins. She wasn't sure of what else.

  He was about Kenji's size, with wide shoulders, tapered waist and near hips. He was

  almost as handsome but she'd choose Kenji over his friends or any other man every time. She saw that he was well dressed in an expensive looking suit, nice shirt and Gucci loafers on his large feet. His was also wearing a Cartier Roadster on his wrist.

  Like Kenji and Thai he wore a pair of earrings his were over sized yellow diamonds.

  Kat tighten her hand around Ken's as she smiled at Alex. “Thanks but I'm good. He has a lot to learn but he'll get there eventually.” She said with a wink. Then she added “Besides I don't think you'd be able to handle this handful, I'd be too much for ya.”

  The others laughed at her spunk not many women could resist Alex smooth tongue.

  Kenji had caught the look in her golden eyes when her mind went back in time. He didn't miss the hurt and sadness that was there in her expression. He felt the pain in her heart as the memories came flooding back, the sharp gut wrenching pain of losing her parents and witnessing the murder of mother never understanding why it happened.

  He would let it go for now, sure that she wouldn't appreciate him bring it up in front of

  his friends. But one day they would talk about it and he'd be there to help her through the pain. Kenji smiled at how strong and tough she was. Kat didn't bite her tongue for anyone she said whatever was on her mind. There was never a dull moment around her.

  “I like her she is a pistol,” said Blake. She observed Blake's appearance. He was

  of Caucasian decent with a European accent. His short blond hair was cropped close to his head and spiked on top. His eyes were a vibrate blue, the color of the sky on a beautiful day. He was
larger than all of them, with thick muscular arms that strained the sleeves of his suit. Boy was he’s tall he had to be about six foot six.

  Blake's skin sported a light tan, which enhanced his good looks. His strong jaw line and cleft chin made his appearance quite appealing. Like the others he was wearing an expensive suit and shoes, both by Versace. On his wrist was he wore a Zenith Chronograph. In his earlobes were tiny gold hoops. This was starting to get weird.

  Kat turned her attention to the last of the men. Prescott she thought Kenji had said his name was. He was tall about the same height as Thai right around six foot four. She figured him to be Native-American with a reddish-brown skin tone.

  Prescott had whiskey colored eyes. His hair was long and black like Kenji's, only his hang in braid down his back. He too wore an expensive suit his was by Christian Dior. On his wrist he wore a very nice Rolex. Not to mention in his earlobes were a pair of large white diamonds.

  Something was not right about this picture Kat thought to herself. Each one of them sported their wealth like a shield of armor, from the expensive suits, and designer shoes, to the overpriced jewelry in their ears and on their wrists. And Kat would bet her Uncle's estate that they were driving cars just as expensive as the one Kenji had purchased. What was their game? She wasn't sure but she intended to find out.

  Kat didn't like mysteries. That's one of the reasons she was so determined to find out why her mother was killed and by whom. She wouldn't rest until she did just that. And she would find out what Kenji and his pals were up to as well. There was no way they were just friends from college.

  Chapter Ten

  After saying their good-bye's to his friends, with promises of seeing them all tomorrow night at the engagement party, they headed over to the suite Ken had booked for the night. He assured Kat that the suite had two bedrooms and she could sleep in whichever one she chooses. To her surprise Ken had an overnight bag packed for her with everything she needed, and it was waiting in their suite, along with a bag for himself.

  They both excused themselves to change into something more comfortable. Ken had pulled on a pair of black linen, drawstring pants and a matching black sleeveless linen shirt which he left unbuttoned. His long black hair was loose and hanging around his shoulders. He went to the bar in the corner to fix himself a drink as he waited for Kat to join him.

  He thought that this would be a good time to talk maybe find out why she was so resistant to the idea of marrying him. He had to focus on having a conversation with her, but just being around her kept his body in a state of unrest.

  Kat entered the room wearing a tight purple tank top and a pair of very, very short boy shorts. Her long, sexy, caramel legs looked silky, smooth and glistened from the moisturizer she'd used. She wasn't wearing a bra, under the tank top. That made him wonder if she was wearing panties under those short little shorts.

  That thought had him wanting to find out. Kat stopped in front of him, where he sat on the sofa. Her long, silky black hair framed her gorgeous face as it hang loosely down her back. She

  slowly turned her body in a complete circle as she asked, “So how do I look? Do you like?”

  Ken tossed back the remainder of his drink before answering her. “You look really, really nice. Do you want a drink?” He said as he hopped up from the sofa and dashed behind the bar in the corner of the suite. He poured himself another drink, and held up the canter as he waited for her to decide if she wanted a drink.

  “No I don't want a drink. What I want is to know who bought this outfit?” She replied as she walked over to stand in front of the bar.

  Ken sat the canter down before responding. “Why? There's nothing wrong with that outfit, I told you it looks really nice.”

  Kat lifted one brow as she spoke to Ken. “I believe you said that, I looked really, really nice. But that's not the point, you don't think that this shirt is too tight.”

  She asked as she thrust her breasts forward causing them lift higher, pulling the

  tank tighter. Ken picked up his glass, turned away from her and stocked over to the sofa

  and dropped down. He took a sip from his glass before answering. “The tank is fine


  Kat casually strutted back over to the sofa to stand in front of him. She turned

  around, with her back to him then slowly bent over as she asked in a sweet, innocent


  “Okay what about these? You don't think these shorts are a bit too short?” She

  was happy he couldn't see the smile on her face. Kat knew she was pushing it but she

  couldn't help it. She wanted to see how far she could go before he actually did something about it.

  Kenji wasn't stupid he knew what game she was playing. She wanted to see how far she could push him. But she was playing with fire, she may not know it but he’d been waiting a long time to make love to her. She was just stroking the flame.

  He gazed at the curvaceous flesh that peeked out from beneath the boy shorts she was

  wearing. His mouth began to water at the site of her. The erection that he'd been trying

  so hard to keep under control was at complete attention. “Didn't I tell you not to do that once I got you alone?” Ken said as he swallowed down the rest of his drink.

  Kat looked back at Ken but didn't straighten or turn around. “Actually what

  you said was and I quote, “I dare you to do that when I get you alone later tonight” end quote. So what chya goin do Ken? Are you just going to look at or are you going to come get it?”

  Ken slammed his glass down on the coffee table, leaping from the sofa he lunged at her just as she made a dash for the bedroom. She barely got away, but she did she had just dived onto the king size bed when he made it through the door of the suite.

  Kat was making a weak attempt of inching her way to the head of the bed as she used her forearms. When Ken reached the foot of the bed he grabbed her ankle stopping her forward progress.

  “Where do you think you’re going little girl?” Ken asked her with a sly little smile on his lips.

  She flipped over onto her back as she giggled in delight. “Where does it look like I was going? Right here, just waiting for you to catch me and now that you have, what are you planning to do with me, Kenji-san?”

  Ken stretched up over Kat and stared down into her golden eyes as she lay

  beneath him. He could read her thoughts. She was burning with desire. They had enough heat between the two of them to burn down this entire establishment. He had dreamed of this for so long and he wanted it to be a night she would never forget.

  Ken wanted to show her how pleasurable making love to him would be for her.

  He wanted to taste every inch of her lovely body. Starting with those full pouty lips of

  hers, and working his way down her luscious body to the precious treasure that lay

  nestled between her thighs. He wanted to lap at her sweet nectar until she screamed his

  name as he gave her the most exquisite pleasure she'd ever know.

  Kat gazed up at Ken unable to believe that she was this close to him making

  love to her. She had wanted this man for all her adult life and she'd loved him for as long as she could remember. The sensations his touch, caused within her were driving

  her unbelievably out of her mind. Her skin was heated, because the blood running

  through her veins that felt like hot lava rushing throughout her body.

  His long black hair was like a silk curtain around them as it fall forward

  surrounding them in cocoon. Ken lowered his mouth to capture hers in a passion filled

  kiss, that was meant to heighten her desire for him. Kat battled his tongue with her own, stroke-for-stroke as he slipped it passed her lush lips. She ran her trembling fingers

  through his hair, before letting them dance over his muscular back.

  Kenji's mouth left her lips to trail hot wet kisses down her neck, as he
used one

  of his hands to lift her tank top out of the way to expose her naked breasts. “Mabui!”

  beautiful, He whispered just before he covered one of her breasts with his mouth where

  begin to lick and suck her hardened nipples. She tasted sweet and delectable on his

  tongue. A gasp escaped Kat's slightly parted lips in response to his tongue against her

  sensitive breast, instantly arousing him, causing him to become as hard as steel. Her

  short French, manicured nails dug into the tender flesh his back. He didn't even

  acknowledge the pain it caused as her nails scored his back.