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Captured Hearts (The Men of Five Nations International) Page 3

  Akiva’s breath caught when she saw the steamy look in his eyes her heart began to race uncontrollably.

  “Hey, are the two of you done or are ya’ll going to stand there all night?” Thai asked with a smile while standing in the doorway of the VIP room.

  Prescott glanced past Akiva to look at Thai. “Yeah, man we’ll be there in a second.” He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “We will definitely pick this up later.” He said placing a soft kiss at her temple before leading her in the VIP room.

  When Prescott and Akiva entered they saw that Blake and Camille were there looking like two people who were very much in love. Alex Grayson was also there looking like a very happily unattached bachelor on the prowl. He was an extremely attractive man with a walnut skin tone, short curly brown hair and hazel eyes. Standing at about six feet five he had a nice trim physique that made him quite the ladies man.

  Blake and Cam made a lovely couple and there was no doubt that they’d make beautiful children together. Blake was six feet six inches with his naturally tanned skin tone, short blond hair and sky blue eyes. Cam was a very pretty woman with her smooth mocha skin tone, silky black shoulder length hair and soft brown eyes not to mention her above average height.

  “Hi doc it’s nice to see you.” Blake said greeting Akiva with a polite handshake and Prescott with a brotherly hug.

  “You go girl that is one bad ass outfit, I know you turned the head every man in this club as you walked through on your way up here.” Cam said teasingly as she stood to greet Akiva with a hug.

  “Thanks, it’s nice to see you both.” Akiva said warmly.

  “Have mercy doc you sure are one sexy looking woman. Why don’t you ditch Prescott and spend the rest of the evening with me?” Alex said with a devilish grin and a wink.

  “Boy are you trying to get yourself hurt tonight, because if you are I’ll be more than happy to bust up that pretty little face of yours.” Prescott said with irritation.

  “Yeah, you might want to think twice about that especially since your date is the doctor I’d have to call to treat my bruises.” Alex said as a slow smirk crossed his face.

  “No, when I’m done with you I’m pretty sure you’ll need a team of doctors and an ambulance.” Prescott said gazing at him through narrowed eyes.

  “Ay man, would you calm down you know I’m just messing around, I’m not that stupid.” Alex replied.

  “That’s nice to know because there’s no way I’d ditch Prescott to leave with you. I’m not that kind of woman.” Akiva said as she looped her arm through Prescott’s and pulled him with her as she took a seat next to Cam. A tiny smile touched his lips as he lowered himself to sit beside her.

  “So how have you been feeling Camille?” Akiva asked with concern.

  “Call me Cam and I’m doing fine doc don’t worry I haven’t been in any fights lately.” Cam said teasingly.

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it, now how are you really?” Akiva asked again this time in a serious tone.

  “I know doc, but really I’m fine if you don’t believe me you can come by the house tomorrow and check me out for yourself.” Cam said.

  “I think I’ll do just that I’ll see you around one o’clock.” Akiva said in response.

  “Great, even though technically you’re not my doctor we are friends so will have lunch first and I’ll invite Kat to join us.” Cam replied happily.

  “Sounds like fun but I still intend to examine you so don’t even think about getting out of it.” Akiva said.

  “Now would I do something like that?” Cam said innocently.

  “Yes!” All the men said in unison. Cam narrowed her gaze and glanced at each of the men.

  “I can’t stand ya’ll little traitors.” Cam mumbled softly.

  “Don’t get mad because you know good and damn well that you are a master of getting out of things that you don’t want to do.” Thai said to his sister.

  “Oh shut up Thai, no one asked you.” Cam replied sounding annoyed.

  “Uh okay, not to change the subject or anything but how is Kat doing she should be getting really close to her due date by now.” Akiva asked in an attempt to lighten the mood in the room.

  “Yeah she’s at the end of her rope and Ken is hovering and driving her nuts, that’s why I suggested that the three of us have lunch.” Cam replied.

  “Well like I said earlier lunch sounds like a great idea.” Akiva said with a smile.

  “Good, so doc I can’t believe the quiet but private, Prescott brought you here. He has never brought a date here before I guess that means you’re very special.” Cam said happily.

  “Has anyone ever told you that you talk to damn much?” Thai said to his sister.

  “Boy would you shut the hell up no one was talking to you.” Cam said in response to her brother’s insult.

  “Girl, don’t make me have to tell mom and dad that you went missing because I am so tempted to make that happen.” Thai said in irritation.

  “Hey watch it Thai that’s my wife you’re talking to like that.” Blake said.

  “She may be your wife but don’t forget that she’s also my sister.” Thai replied.

  “If I knew that you guys would behave like this I wouldn’t have brought Akiva here tonight.” Prescott said sounding a little annoyed.

  “It’s fine really, I think it’s nice that you’re all so close that you can tease each other and have fun.” Akiva said with a smile.

  “See, man you need to chill and stop being so uptight besides if the two of you are going to be dating then she might as well get use to us, flaws and all.” Alex said.

  “We sincerely apologize if our light hearted banter has offended you in any way. That was certainly not our intention.” Blake said.

  “Really there is no need for you to apologize I’m not offended. It reminds me of how close my sister and I have always been.” Akiva said with a faraway look in her eyes.

  “It’s good that you and your sister are close does she live near here?” Cam asked curiously.

  “She’s in college well now she’s in graduate school actually she’s study for her master’s in communication. Pretty soon she’ll be coming home to start her internship that is if she can find a company to intern with she has a few good offers but all of them are out of town.” Akiva said with a touch of sadness in her voice.

  “Hey girl, don’t worry you have us now and we know enough people to make sure she gets her internship right here in town.” Cam said in a reassuring voice.

  “Yeah, she’s right, what kind of internship is she looking for? Does she want to work in the news field? Does she want to work in radio production maybe?” Prescott asked.

  “Well, she wants to be able to experience a little of everything but especially advertising and marketing as well as public relations. She’s always been a real people type person and she’s a fast learner.” Akiva said sounding very proud of her younger sister.

  “I think we can make a few calls, do you think you can have her email you her information and we’ll see what comes up.” Cam said.

  “Thank you guys for doing this for me and my sister I’ll give her a call tomorrow.” Akiva replied gratefully.

  “With that taken care of can we please have some fun now?” Alex asked.

  “Yes I think we should definitely have some fun now.” Akiva said with a smile.

  Chapter Three

  It was several hours later when Prescott and Akiva left Thai’s club and she was tired and

  her feet hurt like crazy. She hadn’t danced so much since her high school graduation party. She

  also couldn’t remember having this much fun since high school either.

  Akiva was glad that she’d accepted his dinner invitation because if she hadn’t she’d have

  missed out on a date with a wonderful man. The entire time they’d been together all she could think about was how much she wanted him to kiss her. He had nice full kissable lips and she was dying t
o know how they felt beneath hers.

  While she and Prescott had been dancing she’d lost count of how many times she’d

  wanted to rub her body against his. The feel of his big warm hands against her back caused some crazy thoughts to race through her mind. Akiva couldn’t remember ever being so hot and bothered in her entire life. Being in his arms had made the crotch of her panties so soaking wet that she was sure she could fill a super size cup with the moisture from them.

  She wasn’t sure if she ever wanted this night to end and she definitely wasn’t ready to say goodnight.

  Prescott hadn’t been ready to bring her home just yet but he didn’t want to push it. Akiva wasn’t like most of the women he’d dated in the past, she was a successful doctor who didn’t know exactly how sexually appealing she is to him or any man for that matter.

  She was a no non-sense, call it like you see them and tell like it is kind of woman and he liked that. When they’d been dancing with each other earlier tonight the heat from her body had almost burnt a hole in his hand. And having her pressed against his body had wreaked havoc on his nerves because she’d turned him on so badly that he thought he’d explode from the need to be inside her.

  The entire time they were dancing Prescott had purposely made sure that his lower body had minimal contact with her mid section and it hadn’t been easy, especial since he was six feet four and she was only five feet six. And even in the heels she was wearing she still barely reached his shoulder.

  Akiva had a sexy, finely curved body that had him weak at the knees she was way too tempting for her own good and she didn’t even realize it. But if she ever gave him the chance he would make love to every delectable inch of her. Prescott thought about all the ways he wanted to make love to her as he drove her home and it caused his mouth to water, not to mention that his pants were becoming very uncomfortable.

  He’d come really close to instead of bring her home to her place taking her home to his place. All evening he’d fantasized about having her in his bed with him between her shapely thighs. That was one fantasy he planned to make come true but he didn’t want to move too fast and scare her away. No he wanted her to want him as badly as he wanted her, he wanted to make sure that desire and need coursed through her veins to the point that only he could satisfy her.

  This evening was coming to end way too soon for him he wanted no he needed more time with her. Prescott knew that once he left her and went home to his empty house all he’d be able to think about was her. Kissing her, touching her, loving her she would be the center point of his dreams as she had been for the past several months.

  They both sighed as he pulled into the parking area of her apartment complex. He parked the car before getting out to open the door for her then they walked slowly to her apartment. Akiva glance over at him and smiled.

  “I’m so glad that you asked me out tonight I really had a great time and I’m hoping that you ask me out again sometime soon.” She said.

  “I really enjoyed being with you tonight and I definitely plan to ask you out again very soon. As a matter of fact what are doing tomorrow night?” He asked as they approached her apartment door. Before she could answer him he noticed that her door had been kicked in. He grabbed her arm to stop her from moving forward. Pushing her to the wall he signaled for her to keep quiet and stay put.

  He slowly moved towards the door listening and surveying the area, in case the person that was responsible was still inside. Prescott let his senses kick in like second nature as he carefully moved inside, hoping that Akiva did as he asked and waited outside. He noticed that the doors to the balcony patio were open and figured that the intruder must have left that way.

  Prescott glanced around her apartment that was now in a complete shambles. The intruder had ransacked her home thoroughly turning everything upside down and inside out as if they were searching for something. A good number of her belongings had been destroyed her furniture had been slashed and or busted.

  Who ever had done this was not playing around and he had a sickening feeling that if she’d been at home tonight that, things could have turned out really badly. Something told him that if they hadn’t found what they were looking for that they would be back. That’s one thought that really worried him and there was no way that he would allow her to stay here like a sitting duck.

  Prescott heard movement behind him and glanced over his shoulder to see Akiva enter her totally destroyed apartment. She slapped her hand over her mouth to muffle the gasp she’d released.

  “I thought I asked you to wait outside.” He said turning towards her.

  “I did but you were taking so long that I wanted to make sure that you were alright.” She replied as she glanced around her apartment in disbelief.

  “Sorry about that I just wanted to make sure that whoever broke in wasn’t still here waiting for you.” He said watching her cautiously.

  “Who would do this to my apartment? It’s not like I have anything valuable here. Look at this place it looks like they trashed everything.” She said in an angry tone as she continued to glance around at all the damage.

  “I’m not sure who would do something like this to your place. Do you have any crazy ex-boyfriends?” He asked.

  “Uh, no neither of my ex-boyfriends would dare do something this insane.” She said with amusement.

  “Really only two ex- boyfriends I would’ve guessed that you’d left a trail of broken heart in your wake.” He teased.

  “No just two and trust me neither one of them would do this. One of them is happily married with two kids and a dog and the other one well let’s just say he’ll never find anyone that he loves more than himself. So I seriously doubt he’ll leave the mirror long enough to do anything worthwhile, that pathetic loser.” She said with a look of disdain of her face.

  “Okay then it could be something related to your work. Have you seen any high profile or maybe even a disgruntle patients lately?” He asked with concern.

  “My contract really doesn’t allow me much time to see civilian patience I mean I volunteer at the free clinic occasional but nothing out of the ordinary.” She replied trying hard to remember the last time she was even at the clinic.

  “Well whoever is responsible for this seemed to be looking for something and I seriously doubt that they found whatever it was that they were looking for.” He said sounding a bit worried.

  “You honestly think that whoever did this didn’t find what they were looking for? Look at this place Prescott there is not one thing in here that wasn’t damaged in one way or another.” She said.

  “That’s exactly why I doubt they found anything because if they had then your apartment wouldn’t be destroyed like this. And I really hate to say this but if that’s the case I’m pretty sure they’ll be back.” He explained calmly watching for her reaction.

  “That’s just great, now what am I supposed to do?” She said sound worried.

  “Well the first thing you need to do is contact your superiors and let them know what happened, they’ll probably send a team out to investigate. I’m guessing that you keep your confidential records in a secure government approved location.” He said.

  “Yes, that’s correct, as part of my contract I have to.” She replied thinking now that she’s gratefully that she had to take that type of precaution as she placed the call. When she ended the call she wanted to know what she needed to do next.

  “Okay that’s done now what do I do?” She asked hoping for more advice since she was clueless because this type of thing has never happened to her before.

  “Alright so you can’t stay here tonight and until we know more about what’s going on you really shouldn’t stay with a loved one that way you’ll avoid the possibility of something happening to them.” He said in a concerned tone.

  “So what now am I supposed to go get a room somewhere until they figure this out?” She asked sounding frustrated.

  “Actually I think the safest place for you ri
ght now is my house and before you say no hear me out. My house has a state of the art security system, it’s located in a gated community and you’ll be just a few blocks from Cam and Kat.” He paused for her response to what he’d said.

  “It sounds go so far, keep talking and while you’re talking you can tell me about the sleeping arrangements. So go ahead I’m listening.” Akiva said folding her arms in front of her causing her full breasts to thrust upward.

  Prescott couldn’t stop his gaze from traveling to her breasts when she folded her arms, his mouth watered at the image that skipped through his mind of one of them clamped between his lips. He was certain that if she knew what he was thinking she’d punch him in the gut or worse she’d kick him in the jewels.