The Samurai's Kunoichi wife (The men of Five Nations International) Page 14
Blake and Cam were upstairs to stop any intruders that attempted to came in that way. “How do I always get stuck with you as my partner?” Cam asked in a voice filled with sarcasm.
“Just lucky I guess.” Blake answered.
Cam's head snapped in his direction. “Lucky!, Lucky? You call being stuck with you
lucky? You must be out of your mind.” She growled through clenched teeth.
Blake chuckled at her anger. “Yeah I'd say you're lucky, you could be stuck with Alex the womanizing buffoon.” He replied as he looked up at the nearest camera and gave Alex a wave with his fingers and a big smile.
Cam saw what he'd done and laughed quietly at his actions. “You know he's going to get you back for that, right?” Cam said to Blake. She would never tell him this, but she secretly enjoyed every moment she spent with him.
Since meeting him a few years ago her attraction to him had grown to a burning desire that could never be quenched. When he smiled at her she felt tingles all down her spine. The
ache between her thighs made her irritable and grouchy. That was her way of hiding her feelings for him. If her brother ever found out how she felt he'd have a fit.
Thai was a very overprotective big brother. She'd been so deep it thought that she hadn't heard what Blake had said.
“I'm sorry, what were you saying?” She asked.
“Oh! Okay. You’re trying to ignore me again? Alright I get it I'll just leave you alone.”
“Whatever!” Was her only reply.
Blake enjoyed his little arguments with Cam. He'd come to look forward to them over the last couple of years. Even though she was the little sister of a dear friend and considered forbidden fruit, he still liked the back and forth banter between the two of them.
Thai would kill him at some of the thoughts he'd had about her. She was unlike any other woman he'd met. Cam wasn't impressed by his money and cars or who his family was. She
said what was on her mind and didn't care if it upset him or not.
Cam was also the sexiest woman he'd ever laid eyes on. Damn! He wished like hell
she wasn't Thai's little sister. He couldn't think about that right now he had to focus on doing his job and keeping Cam safe. There was no way he was letting anything happen to her. He thought as several men came crashing through the upstairs window.
Kat and Kenji heard the breaking of glass coming from upstairs. Followed closely by sound of wood splinting for the backdoor being kicking in. “Remember no matter what don't break contact with me, understand.” Ken whispered close to Kat's ear as they waited in the center of the living room.
“I understand.” Kat replied excepting the kiss he softly placed on her lips.
The front door began to open slowly. Kenji positioned himself slightly in front of Kat, as if to shield her from whoever was entering the room. The action wasn't lost on her, he was still trying to protect her and he didn't need to.
A thin underweight looking man with thinning hair and of average height was the first to walk in aiming a gun in their direction. Kenji recognized him immediately; he had worked for his families company as a trusted employee long before the merger. He would never have guessed that Stanley Dubois, the soft spoken, nervous little accounts manager would be a part of all this.
Dubois was followed closely behind by Taro Yasuda who was wielding a very sharp
samurai sword. He was a notoriously powerful Japanese crime boss, whose reach extend
throughout many countries. With hair that was black except at the temples, clean shaven face and standing at only five feet four inches he didn't seem to be as big of threat as he really was. He was number three on the Five Nations International capture list.
They'd been building a case against him and his organization for over a year and Fu-Shima Corp never came up in their investigation. But taking him down would be a big win for the good guys.
The next person entering the cabin was no surprise at all. He'd been part of their
investigation since the beginning. Even more so when his partner turned up died, in an empty warehouse.
“Hello Kat.” The tall, big belly, man said as he aimed a gun at them.
“Agent Dalbert, how surprising to see you.” Kat said in a voice dripping with sarcasm. He smirk touched his lips. “I'm hurt you don't seem surprised or happy to see me.
And we used to be able to trust each other.” She narrowed her gaze at him before responding
to his comment.
“Trust? Why you lying good for nothing, you made me believe that you were going
to help me find the people who were responsible for my parents death. And here you are
working with the very people I was trying to find. What kind of trust is that?”
Dalbert looked at her with amusement in his beady little eyes. “Well if it's any
consolation, you weren't suppose to see them die.”
That made Kat so angry it made her lunge around Ken, causing him to catch her in mid air pulling her back beside him.
“Kat don't he's trying to separate us he wants you to leave my side.” Ken glanced
over his shoulder at the men standing in front of them, each one as evil as the next.
“There's no way any of you are leaving here with my wife.” Ken said in tone that was calm but threatening.
Dalbert looked quickly at the other two men he'd arrived with, before returning his
gaze to Ken. “You think she's going to stop one of us from killing you? She couldn't even
save her own mother. Her father didn't die that night, but he didn't care enough to stick around. Even now the only one here to save her is you her so-called husband, a man that was obligated to marry her. But where's daddy is he here to save his little girl? So you really think we won't be leaving here with your wife?”
Kenji smiled as he tightened his hold around Kat's waist. He kissed her on the forehead, then gently pushed her behind him.
“We'll see.” was all he said before the panel in the corner opened and Satashi stepped out with his razor sharp sword held in front of him and aimed in the direction of the intruders.
Satashi didn't smile as he catch sight of his daughters devastated face. He side stepped his way closer to her and Kenji.
“You okay, little kunoichi? Don't let their lies get to you Remember I love you princess, always.” Turning his angry stare on the unwelcome guess'. “I will kill anyone who comes near my little girl. So who's first? How about you loud mouth? You done spitting all these lies to my daughter? I'd be happy to let your head be the first one I take. Or maybe you want to be first Uncle Taro?”
The three men laughed Dubois was the one to speak. “There's no way you’re faster
than a bullet.” He was saying as he stepped forward aiming his weapon directly at Satashi. Before Dubois could take a second step Satashi leaned forward sliced his sword through the air and beheaded the man. His head fell at Satashi's feet as his body crumpled to the floor. “I warned all of you and I meant what I said.” He said holding his sword out at his side, with blood still dripping from it to the floor.
Both men looked at the man lying in a heap, minus his head. Yasuda was the one to comment first. “We were going to kill him anyway, so you remember me? When my sister married your father she was suppose to get rid of you, but that grandmother of yours was never far from your side. I had everything planned just the way I wanted.
Your mother’s death and yes I was responsible for that. Even at the age of twenty I had
a thirst for power, and running your families company would have given me that. I waited all these years. Built my empire as much as I could, with the help of Dalbert and Dubois we waited so that the Fujimoto's and the Oshima's merged both of their companies make it even more valuable.
When I was sure I could gain control of Fu-Shima Corp. Then the old man had to mess everything up, leaving his shares of the company to your kid. Killing you and your wife was the only way. Only you di
dn't die and you hide the girl all these years. Dubois made the mistake of talking instead of shooting. Dalbert won't make the same mistake.” Dalbert raised his weapon and fired at Satashi.
Kat screamed, “No!” Watching in horror over Kenji's shoulder as everything seemed to move in slow motion. She Throw one hand up palm out shielding her father from the bullet that was headed for him, it hit the shield and dropped to the floor.
Yasuda lunged forward wielding his sword at the shield, hoping to slice through and cut Satashi with a deadly strike, but as sharp as his sword was it did not penetrate her shield. Kenji and Kat were still connected to each other as he lifted one of his hands palm out toward Yasuda. A red spark knocked the man back and away from Satashi, causing him to drop his sword.
The next thing they knew fighting erupted all around them.
Chapter Eighteen
Cam and Blake were fighting their way down the stairs they battled the intruders. One of the intruders reached out to grab Cam. Blake wrapped an arm around her waist from behind
lifted her in the air as he spun her around and away from the intruder. She kicked both her legs out in front, when he brought her around.
Anticipating what she was going to do, Blake braced his legs apart on two of the steps, to make sure her kicking move wouldn't cause them both to fall down the stairs. Her kick knocked the intruder over the railing. He didn't release her until they were at the bottom of the stairs. Daichi and Mi entered from the kitchen taking down one intruder after the other, with kicks and chops to the body. They two fought like someone half their age.
Thai and Prescott along with Kenta following close behind came dashing through
the front door of the cabin. Having taking out the men that had once surrounded the property.
Joining in the battle that had erupted inside the cabin. Thai was the last to enter the room
but he too was poised and ready to fight. Thai realized that even more intruders were coming
in from the upstairs and kitchen, lowering the duffle bag that had been resting on his shoulder.
“I brought toys!” he yelled as he began tossing each one a weapon.
“No need for those, get closer or we'll be here all day. Hurry” Kat yelled at them all. She lifted one hand while holding onto Kenji with the other. Once she was sure that her father Satashi, Uncle Daichi, Grandmother Mi, Cam, Blake, Thai, Alex, Prescott and Kenta were close enough to her she erected her golden shield protecting them all.
Then with Kenji's help she sent out a wave of deadly energy, taking down everything
outside the shield.
When Dalbert and Yasuda saw what she intended to do they scrambled out the front door. Once all the intruders were down they headed out the door to find the two that were trying to get away. Standing on the porch they scanned the immediate area.
“That's great those two are going to get away.” Cam said aloud.
“No they won't.” Kat replied taking Kenji's hand in hers as she stared into the woods.
“They’re in one of the cabins.”
“Which one honey, can you tell?” Ken asked softly.
“No it's too fuzzy. I can't focus.” Kat said sounding a bit exhausted.
“She's too drained to get a clear vision, its okay kunoichi, Kenji she needs to rest.” Satashi said, just as Kat started to become wobbly on her feet. Kenji placed one hand behind her knees and the other around her back, lifting her into his arms he carried her to the lounger in the corner of the porch. She'd passed out in his arms before he'd reached the lounger. He stayed with her while Mi got her a glass of water and the others search the two missing men.
Everyone else split up to search the cabins. As usual Cam and Blake were teamed up together. Also as usual Cam had been insulting Blake and didn't notice the gun that was pointed from the closest in her direction. Blake saw it and leapt in front of her just before three shots were fired taking all three of the bullets instead of letting them hit her.
Dalbert burst from the closet and ran through the open cabin door. Cam didn't give the man second thought as Blake dropped to his knees as Cam grabbed for him.
“Blake, Blake!” She franticly yelled.
“Are you okay?” He asked before passing out in her arms. “Don't you dare die on me you big lug not before I've had a chance to tell I love you.” She said as tears streamed unchecked down her face. She heard more shots being fired, but her only concern was for Blake. That he could die in her arms never knowing that she loved him.
She eased his head to the floor and ran for the door screaming for her brother.
“Thai! Help please! Blake was shot saving my life, but he passed out.” When Cam reached the door she saw Dalbert's body just outside the door. Thai followed Cam back into cabin. He checked Blake to see if he was breathing and found that he was but just barely his pulse was weak. They needed to stabilize him quickly.
“Cam, Go get Prescott and Mi, hurry.” Cam had never run so fast in her life. She found Prescott stopping only long enough to tell him what happened. He dashed off to help as she went in search of Mi, finding her at Kat's side. Quickly explaining the situation to her they headed back to Blake.
Meanwhile in the woods away from the cabins
Satashi had no intention of letting Taro Yasuda get away. The man was the reason for the death of his mother, and because of him his beloved wife, Imani was taken from him and the reason he wasn't able to raise his daughter, fearing for her safety.
Satashi glanced ahead and caught a glimpse of Yasuda heading over the horizon and behind a thick of trees. He broke into a sprint in order to catch up with him. As he mounted the top of the horizon in the distance he saw a vehicle with dark tented windows waiting for Yasuda on the gravel road behind the trees.
Knowing he had to get to the man before he reached the car he doubled his effort and his speed. He cut across the terrain in hopes of getting ahead of Yasuda. A hundred yards from the waiting vehicle he stood in front of Yasuda, sword raised he intended to get the justice he had waited so many years to get.
Satashi thought of never having the chance to know his mother. He remembered the night he lost his beloved, Imani as she died in his arms. Final the memory of saying good-bye to his one and only child had him renewing the angry he'd felt all these years. Yasuda had grabbed his sword before escaping the cabin and now raised it to defend himself from the rage that was Satashi Oshima.
Satashi used his sword to knock away Yasuda, slicing the man across the chest. Yasuda recovered and delivered two quick strikes to Satashi's chest and leg. But Satashi countered even more quickly than Yasuda, cutting the man on the shoulder.
When Yasuda tried to recover Satashi sliced him across the stomach. He continued to slice and cut as his uncontrollable rage fueled him, until final beheading the man who could barely stand. When the man's badly shredded, headless body was a mere heap on the ground before him satisfaction filled him.
Satashi looked up to see the vehicle driving away, as he headed back to the cabin
and his daughter whom he could final get to know.
Chapter Nineteen
When Kat opened her eyes Kenji was there staring down at her. His handsome face was etched with both worry and love. She gazed into his dark brown eyes hoping that he
could feel that she was alright and how much she loved him. She glanced around them to see where everyone had gone.
“What happened? Is everyone okay? Where's my father?” She asked in a frantic voice.
“You passed out because you were exhausted; everyone is fine, except Blake was shot while trying to save Cam. He'll be alright thanks to Mi and Prescott.” Ken told her. “A helicopter is on the way to take him to the hospital it should be here any minute.”
Kat was relieved to hear that everyone was okay and that Blake would be fine. But what happened to her father. “Ken, where's my father?” She noticed the look on his face as he looked away. Now she was worried. She'd just gotten him back she didn't want to lo
se him again.
“He went off into the woods after Yasuda, Alex and Daichi are trying to find him now. They should be back soon.” Ken assured her.
“He has to be alright. Ken I just got him back, what am I going to do if I lose him?”
She cried burying her tear stained face in Ken's chest. He ran his hand up and down her back.
“Nothing's going to happen to your father sweetheart, he is one of the toughest men I've ever met.”
Kat's head snapped up to look behind her when she heard her father's voice.
“You got that right. They don't come any tougher than this old bag of bones.”
Satashi was being helped to the cabin with assistance of Alex and Daichi on both arms. Kat jumped from the lounger and ran to her father, throwing both her arms around his neck. “Daddy, don't you ever scare me like that again.”