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The Samurai's Kunoichi wife (The men of Five Nations International) Page 13
The Samurai's Kunoichi wife (The men of Five Nations International) Read online
Page 13
“Chi Chi, Father, Is it really you daddy?” She waited for him to answer.
“Yes, princess it's me!” Her father said in a voice filled with emotion. She crossed
the room quickly, leaping into his arms and eyes full of tears. No one spoke as the two embraced.
After what seemed like an eternity Kat released her father and yelled.
“Daddy I'm so mad at you! How could you just leave me behind? Why did you stay away for so long? Where have you been?”
Before he could answer even one of her questions, Daichi approached. His lifelong friend hand extended.
“Satashi, dear friend it's good to see you.” They shook hands, and then gave each other a quick embrace like two brothers would.
“It's good to see you also I can never repay you for what you've done. Thank you,
Ken approached to greet his father-in-law he bowed at the waist, hands at his side. “Mr. Oshima, I'm glad you made it.”
Satashi greeted the man that was now married to his daughter. “Thank you, son for honoring the promise made by your family to mine I'm guessing that it wasn't easy. My daughter seems to be a handful.” Satashi said with a smile.
“Let's just say things with your daughter are never dull.” Kenji replied letting a slight
smile touched his lips as he let his gaze drift to Kat.
She returned his smile before turning her gaze to the father she hadn't seen in fourteen years. Crossing her arms over her chest she raised her chin in the air, asking through clenched teeth.
“I'm waiting daddy? What possible reason could you have for staying away so long? How do you think it felt that not only did I watch my mother die that night but I lost you that night also?” Tears began to run slowly down her cheeks as she stared at her father.
Kat turned away from her father as he reached for her. She buried her face into Ken's chest, letting him wrap his arms securely around her, rubbing his hand over her back. Satashi glanced at Daichi before lowering his gaze to the floor. He took a deep breath.
“I did what I thought was best for you and your safety. There was no other way for me to keep you safe. Your mother and I needed you to for fill your destiny.”
Kat snapped her gaze in her father’s direction. “Destiny!... Destiny!... Is that all you people think about? I must live to for fill my destiny, I must marry Ken to for fill my destiny. I am so sick to death of hearing the word destiny, that I could just scream.” She said through teeth that were still clenched, because of her barely controlled angry.
Ken held her away from him, taking her chin between his thumb and forefinger so that he could look into her tear filled eyes.
“I know this is hard for you honey, but you need to listen to what your father his to say. All the questions you have will finally be answered, And us getting married was the good part of all this right?”
Kat looked at Ken as used his thumb to wipe her tears away. “Yes it was and is I love being married to you Samurai man. Fine I'll listen, but that doesn't mean I forgive him.” He kissed her gently on the cheek before releasing her. “
“That's all I ask.” Ken replied.
Daichi motioned for everyone else to leave the room so that Kat, Ken and Satashi
could talk in private. When Kat saw what was going on she stopped them telling everyone to stay put. “Don't even think about it, there is no reason for anyone to leave this room. You're going to hear everything anyway. So, might as well save some time from us repeating everything.”
Satashi maintained a neutral expression, hoping not to show the sadness he felt
over her words. He took a deep breath, gazing at the daughter he had been force to leave behind fourteen years ago, in order to keep her safe.
“Kunoichi, I don't expect for you to forgive me. It's hard for me to even imagine what you're feeling. By now you know about your mother’s abilities, we both did what had to be done to keep you safe. You inherited her ability to see visions and her golden light energy. That put your life at risk with some very dangerous people and we couldn't let anything happen to our little girl.”
Kat saw the sparkle in his eye when he said his last statement she heard the love in his voice. Her eyes begin to tear up again, she hadn't cried this much since she was eight years old. Just seeing her father made her heartache for all the years she'd lost with him, years she could never get back. She wiped the tears away with the back of her hand, then crossed her hands over her chest.
“Your mother and I made sure that you would be surrounded by people who cared about you and had your best interest at heart. Your Uncle Daichi would protect you with his life. He devoted himself to your safety and your training making certain that you are more than capable of defending yourself as well as the ones you love.
Kenji was meant to be your husband, as shown to your mother in a vision. That is why the arrangement was made, because he completes you. He is the half that makes you whole, if you haven't figured that out by now. That is what you are feeling. Everyone that he has
surrounded himself with are good and honorable people. And Mi has been here to nurture you and help you grow into the woman you are today. Strong, smart and opinionated. She is also
your Great Grandmother.”
Kat gasped. “What...Did... You... Say?” Mi stepped forward to stand in front of Kat,
“I am sorry we had to keep my identity from you, dear child. Your fathers, father was my
Kat gazed at the woman who'd taken care of her most of her life. “What do you mean
was?” A glint of sadness flickered in the old woman’s eyes as she answered Kat.
“Yes dear he is died. He was poisoned days before the attack on your home the night your mother was killed. I am certain that it was, the brother of that wife of his. The one that had
been demanding my son to put him in charge of the company. My son said that would only
happen over his died body and days later he was poisoned to death. That wasn't the first time he'd tried to gain control of company. Your grandfather never trusted him neither did Daichi and I.
Funny thing is what the killer and his cohorts didn't figure out until later was that
your grandfather had left all his shares of the company to you in care of your parents, to be handed over to you on your twenty second birthday. Provided that you'd married Kenji as agreed to by our family and his.
“I was sixteen when I met your Great grandfather. He had come to Africa in search of the girl he was to marry. She had been shown to his mother in a vision, around the sometime my father had also had a vision, and he was the medicine doctor in our village.
Even though in those times it was almost unheard of to marry someone of another race,
it was agreed to because of superstition beliefs. Both families fearing they'd bring about bad luck and destruction to their families if they were to ignore what they called visions from heaven.
“I was taken back to Japan were I met the rest of his family and where we were
married. Because of my fair complexion I easily blended in as I was taught the culture.
Less than a year later I gave birth to our one and only child your grandfather.” Mi had tears
in her eyes as she finished her story. This was some family she was part of.
Kat smiled at Mi finally understanding the deep connection she felt for the woman
that helped raised her. “So my grandmother is still alive?”
Mi's head snapped up to stare at Kat before responding. “That woman is not your grandmother, your grandmother was a wonderful woman who died shortly after the birth your father. She was an angel on earth not the she-devil he married after your grandmother died. That little witch wormed her way into his life when he was weak with grief over the death of his wife.”
Kat heard what sounded like snickling followed by coughing to cover the sounds. Cam laughed out not bothering to hide it.
�Dawg! Mi you don't hold back, you go girl that's where Kat gets her spunk.”
Mi laughed lightly, slipping her arm around Kat's shoulder. “I think you're right she does have my spunk, but her mother had lots of spunk also. I was so happy when Satashi met Imani she reminded me so much of his mother. She was beautiful inside and out. The love she had for your father was true and powerful. Imani brought hope back to this family. Something we'd almost given up on.
She was even able to soften the cold as icy heart of our shinobi, ninja, Daichi. He treated her like a little sister, not only because he was expected to watch out for your father since childhood and Satashi had become his brother in spirit, but because she was truly a remarkable woman. As was your grandmother and as you are.
Entrusted as keepers of an unbelievable power, it is your goodness and honor that control the power within you. Only a few are chosen as keepers and those who are, their husbands are chosen for them, men who are worthy of your love. That man will complete
you and strengthen your power. That power is to be used to serve and protect your loved
ones and the innocent, against criminals like the ones after you now.”
Kat sighed loudly as she let her gaze fall upon the face each of the people intently
watching her. She rubbed both her hands over her face and through her hair.
“Alright so now I understand almost everything. I still don't know what all this has to do with the Fu-Shima Corp? What does all this have to do with the company?”
Kenji stepped forward to stand near Kat to answer her question this time.
“Fu-Shima Corp is one of the largest tech companies in the world. The technology we
develop is not only on the cutting edge but far more advance than that of our competitors. We supply our inventions to military and law enforcement agencies worldwide. For that fact alone crime organizations have been trying to gain control of our company. If they could they would supply their people with our tech and everyone else with faulty equipment. And if they had you on top of all that they would be unstoppable. With our tech and your power, there'd be no end to the crimes they could commit.”
Thai stood in response to Ken words, “None of us is about to let that happen.”
Prescott was the next to stand, “We took an oath and we intend to keep it.” He said. Blake joined them in their declaration of justice, “That goes for all of us.”
Alex added, “Ditto.”
Cam moved to stand beside Kat, placing an arm around her shoulders. “Girl you know we got chyo back.”
Kat smiled at her new friend, returning her sisterly embrace. “Thank you, all of you, we seem to...” Kat stopped mid sentence as she stilled, taking on a trance like state. Her eyes glazed over and started to glow a bright golden all while her body trembled slightly.
No one spoke just watched as the visions took over. Ken stepped in front of his wife and placed his hands on her shoulders, as he stared deeply into her eyes.
“It's just you and me focus only on my voice, my touch and my face. Slow down what you see, let it make sense. You can do this.”
Kat latched her hands on to his arms for support and because she needed the strength his touch caused within her, she needed the courage his voice gave to her soul. He knew what she needed and when, she just thought about it and he was there, making it happen.
“We seem to be out of time. Their close, I couldn’t see them clearly until I touched you, now I can. They've spread out through the woods around the property, about twenty maybe thirty of them. But there's three men coming to the front of this cabin, wearing suits but their armed. One of them I recognize as the agent that recruited me to break in those buildings. The other two I don't know.”
Kat tried to focus on Ken she needed to do more to help. “You're doing fine this is what you need to do for now. How long before they arrive?” Ken asked when he noticed how anxious she was getting,
She knew what he was trying to do and she loved him for it. “About five minutes
out and I don't need protecting Kenji, I can take of myself I promise. Besides you don't
have time to be worrying about me right now.”
Ken leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips pulling her in for quick hug he whispered in her ear, “You know that nothing on this earth will keep me from worrying about you and the fact that you could be carrying my child, we got a bit careless last night, are you alright with that?”
Kat returned his gentle kiss, placing her lips firmly over his and tenderly nipped his bottom lip. Whispering close to ear, “If I am carrying your child then he or she will be fine because nothing is going to happen to me, I protect what's mine. Now let's take down these clowns.”
Kat turned to her father, Daichi and Mi. “So you three have any fight left in ya?” She said with a slight laugh.
The three glanced at one another, before turning their eye her direction. Mi answered first, “I'm up to a little butt kicking.”
Which had everyone in the room laughing?
“I agree with Mi a little butt kicking sounds like fun.” Replied Daichi wearing a bright smile on his well aged face.
Kenji cupped him on the shoulder, acknowledging his readiness to fight.
Kat then turned to her father who was yet to answer her. “Daddy? Are you up for this?” Satashi reach out and gently caressed her face within both his hands. “I've waited fourteen years for this I couldn't be any more ready. You just be careful I won't lose you again.”
She placed one of hands over his as it lay on her cheek. “I just got you back you’re stuck with me this time. Besides we have too many years to make up for.”
Kenji looked around the room as he spoke to everyone. “We all know the plan be careful and watch your backs. I don't want anything to happen to any of you.” He finished with his gaze on Kat, his love for her shined in his dark eyes.
Kat knew he was worried about her as was her father, but she wasn't a little girl anymore. She was a full grown woman and a ninja she was born to fight, and fight is what she intended to do. These people were responsible for her mother’s death it was payback time.
“Time's up their here.” She said as she adjusted her stance to a more fight ready position.
Chapter Seventeen
Outside the cabins
The big, belly, cigar smoking crooked agent stopped to address his two partners.
“We're agreed that take out everyone but the girl.”
The Japanese crime boss responded with a question of his own. “Agreed we need her alive to figure out how that power of her works and if it can be extracted, for someone else to use.”
The thin underweight man, with the nervous condition was a bit worried. “You both know that she's not going to just come with us, without one hell of a fight. Not to mention the fact that she's not alone. Taking her could cost one of us our lives, and dying tonight is not on my to-do-list.”
The other two men exchanged looks the two had already decided if one of them needed to be sacrificed tonight it would be him. He was their weakest link, losing him would be just fine.
Big belly man slip the unlit cigar into the inside pocket of his suit jacket, before replying to the thin man. “Just stick to the plan and everything will be fine. Besides you have a gun don't you?”
“Yes, I have a gun. I'm just not sure if I'll be able to use it.” Said the thin man.
“You'd better use it, if you don't you won't have to worry about them killing you
because I will.” Replied the Japanese crime boss. “Now stop your whining and let's go.”
Inside the main cabin
“Kat where are they honey? How close are they?” Ken asked as he held onto one of her hands.
“The three men are at the front of the cabin. They have several hooded assailants with them, the rest are surrounding the cabins.”
“Good girl. Let's get to are positions, spread out people.” Kenji whispered loud
enough to be heard.
Satashi stopped to give a final order of his own. “You make sure nothing happens to my little girl. I've perfected the art of torture over the years and son-in-law or not, I won't hesitate to use it.” Satashi said.
Ken smiled at him knowing he meant what he'd said, because he’d do the same. “Yes sir, I'll protect her with my life you can count on that.”
Kat directed her next statement to the man and woman that had raised her. “Hey Uncle Daichi, Mi you two be careful I don't want to lose either of you. Got it?”
The two glanced at each other before setting their gazes on Kat. They both give her a bright smile.
“We will.” Daichi answered for them both, as they disappeared into the kitchen to guard
intruders coming in the through the backdoor.
Thai and Prescott had just slipped out the backdoor and were slowly creeping their
way into the woods that surrounded the cabins. Several of their men had already been killed, but they were able to circle behind a number of them and take them out. Alex had taken position in the study where they'd moved the computers to monitor the situation as well as possible.