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The Samurai's Kunoichi wife (The men of Five Nations International) Page 11

  “Okay, first of all you know what Thai does; he owns a chain of clubs. Alex owns a large

  production company. Blake and his family own a chain of banks, in the US and overseas. Prescott owns a chain of Casinos and resorts in the US and overseas.”

  “A Native-American that owns Casinos isn't that ironic.” Kat said sarcastically.

  Prescott laughed at her sarcasm. “Ain't it though.”

  “Whatever, would you let me finish please?” Ken said in frustration. Kat folded her arms over her chest, “Sorry, please continue.”

  He inclined his head to acknowledge that he would indeed continue with his explanation. “Thank you. After the incident involving Thai and I the authorities on the case saw the potential for a team using guys like us. While we were attending UM we got teamed together because of our connections and our areas of expertise. Each of us has dual citizenship, now we're a team

  of Interpol agents, working closely with the CIA, DOD and sometimes the FBI, as well as

  other government agencies here and abroad. Are job is to protect against International crime organizations, that can be a major threat to us all. The flashy toys you see are part of a well planned cover that we've worked years to prefect.”

  It was Cam who added the next comment in a low sarcastic voice, with a raised brow and half smile.

  “Well except for Blake he really does like flashy toys and clothes. He's the spoiled little rich boy of the pack.”

  Blake raised a brow of his own as he replied to her comment. “There is nothing little about me kid, you remember that.” He then narrowed his eyes at her.

  Cam took a sip of her tea before standing angrily to ask, “Who you calling kid, you big oaf.”

  Blake stood and folded his large muscular arms over his massive chest as he spoke to

  her through clenched teeth. “I call em' like I see em' and make up your mind, she witch first I'm a little rich brat, now I'm a big oaf.”

  Cam stared at him with her mouth gaped open in shock. “Who are you calling a she witch? You better be glad I'm out of bullets or I'd put one right through that huge head of yours.” She shouted totally fumed, as he stood there smirking at her wearing a smug look on his pretty boy face. Cam wanted to slap that smirk off his oh-too-handsome face.

  Prescott laughed at the exchange of words between Cam and Blake those two have had it in for each other since the day they met. He was surprised they'd lasted this long without going at each other.

  Thai had finally had enough of Blake and Cam it was the same thing all the time,

  whenever they got within a few feet of each other. “Would you two cut it out, man you can't be in the same room with each other without arguing, give it a rest. Cam sit down. Blake man just ignore her. Sorry Kenji you were saying.”

  Ken began talking again. “And Thai's sister Cam is our contact CIA agent, who helps out occasionally when protocol warrants. So that's it. Now your turn.” He said as fixed her with a hard stare, wondering if she would trust him enough to tell him what she thought was a secret. He knew about it because of his connections with several government agencies.

  Kat glared back at him with a hard stare of her own. Could he know about her work with the government, no he couldn't. Her involvement was very hush, hush. Only a few people within the government office knew about her so there was no way he could know.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, I have nothing to tell you.”

  Ken looked at her with a puzzled expression on his handsome face. “Really is that how it is? I tell you the truth but you keep secrets. I guess you don't trust me.”

  He said as he turned to walk away from her. Kat reached her hand out and took hold of his arm to stop him, she didn't want him thinking that she didn't trust him because she trusted him with her life.

  She crested one of his cheeks with the palm of her hand. “I do trust you, never doubt that what do you want to know?”

  He leaned his cheek into her palm and looked her in the eyes as he asked. “How long have you been doing work for the government?” The surprise was evident by the expression on her beautiful face.

  Kat removed her hand from his cheek and dropped it to her side. “You know? But how...?” Kat asked in shock. How in the world did he find out her work, it was suppose to be confidential. “Whatever, I don't care how you know. They caught me hacking files and asked me to do some work for them on occasion.”

  She told him as she looked away.

  Ken gazed at the back of her head as he frowned. “Exactly what kind of work did

  they have you do? And before you say it's confidential I telling you now I have ways of

  finding out anyway.”

  Kat turned her narrowed gaze upon him before answering. “They had me enter a few secure buildings and obtain some computer files that they said were vital to the security of our country.”

  Everyone turned their gazes to Kenji as his expression changed to one of confusion and unease. “What secure building did they have you enter?” He asked with a bit of irritation in his usually calm voice.

  Kat answered him as nonchalantly as possible, counting the building off on her fingers. “Let's see first there were the executive offices of Five Nations International. Then there

  was Cole Hard Investments Inc, and finally the executive office at Fu-Shima Corp.”

  Groans of disbelief echoed throughout the room as they all began to complain at once. Kenji dropped his head back and looked towards the ceiling. “Woman, please tell

  me you didn't copy files from those buildings, and if you did you still have the files.”

  Kat glanced around at the faces that were glaring at her. “What's so special about those

  buildings and why do you want to know what happened to the files?”

  Ken returned his gaze to Kat before answering her. “Those buildings all belong to us. Five Nations International is where are Interpol offices are located. Cole Hard Investments is owned by Blake's family, and Fu-Shima Corp belongs to the Fujimoto and Oshima families. The information they had you copy is the evidence we've collected over years on international crime organizations. If that information was to get out it may ruin any cases we have that are still open.”

  Wow so Fu-Shima Corp was their company? The very company she'd dreamed of someday working for? How strange was that? They were the leading, most innovative, technological company in the world. Wow! Okay so her contact had tried to con her.

  Kat had had a bad feeling about this assignment when she'd gotten a glimpse of what was on those files. She wondered why companies like the ones she entered would have confidential files on international criminals. And why would a government agency need her to obtain these files illegally? Shouldn't they already have access to this type of information?

  When she'd questioned her assignment she'd been told that it was matter of national security and her country was depending on her. She didn't believe it then and she doesn't believe it now. Those two agents that gave her this assignment were crooks. She knew something was shady about them.

  Kat looked at Ken wearing a devious little smile on her lips. “Lucky for you I'm a smart girl and figured out that something wasn't quite right about those two sneaky looking agents or that assignment, so I gave them copies of supply orders and hide the real copies somewhere safe.”

  Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief.

  It was Alex who asked, “What I want to know is how you were able to get in and out of those secure buildings without so much as to even get caught on any of the security footage?” Prescott added, “Yeah I mean you were like a ghost. Getting in and out not tripping any alarms, not being scene. That's my specialty and even I'm not that good.”

  Blake was the next to question her, “So what's your secret?”

  Kat smiled at each of them before returning her gaze to Kenji's. “You didn't tell them?” Ken moved his head side-to-side in the negative, “No Thai and Cam are the only ones
/>   that know.”

  Blake responded this time. “Tell us what?”

  “That I'm a trained Kunoichi, female ninja.” Kat replied. They exchanged

  puzzled looks.

  “Wait aren't ninja’s assassins?” Alex asked. Kat gave him a slight smile.

  “Most are, but I was trained to defend, killing only when necessary to save the lives of the innocent.”

  Kenji pulled Kat into his arms kissing her deeply as he embraced her. He released her moments later, “I always knew you were a smart woman and now you’re my smart woman.”

  Alex directed his question at Ken this time, “So does that mean that you’re a ninja too?” Ken and Kat both laugh.

  “No, he is a Samurai.” Kat said with pride.

  “Wow.” Was all Alex could say.

  “Kat where did you hide the files?” Ken asked as he held both her arms in his hands. Kat shrugged out of his hold and took a step back. “Not so fast, my trustworthy husband, I'll give

  you the files but first I want to know about the light thing you had me do. You promised explain, when we were safe now let's have it. What was that?”

  Ken let his gaze lock onto Daichi, who had been sitting quietly in the corner since Kat's unpleasant assault of words on him. Daichi returned his gaze with one filled with sorrow. Ken knew Kat had spoken the truth to Daichi, but that didn't make her words hurt any less. They all had done what her parents had asked of them in order to protect her by whatever means

  necessary, and if that meant lying to her for the last fourteen years then they were all guilty Daichi, Mi and him. There was so much to tell her he wasn't sure where he should start.

  Ken took a cleansing breath as he met Kat's questioning gaze. “I know you aren't happy with the fact that you've been lied to for the past fourteen years, but we did what was expected of us to keep you safe. You may not like it but that's the way it had to be. I also know that we have a lot of explaining to do, and I will starting now.”

  He took her by the hand and led her to the empty sofa on the other side of the room.

  After they were both seated, he continued to hold her hand as he began to tell her everything she wanted to know.

  “On the night we met, the night your house was invaded and your parents were taken from you. A new chapter of your life began.

  A chapter that starts with us. Our training and everything else we've done since that day has been mapped out carefully. But even before that night we were destined to be together, our future was foretold by the elders.”

  Ken placed one of his hands over the area of his chest where he bares the birthmark of what looked like a tiger. Placing the other hand at the back of her shoulder near the area he knew was her birthmark which looked like a dragon.

  “The marks we bare are just one of the things that bind us together. What you saw was our light energy made visible by our bond. Because of your mother you possess the golden tiger the most powerful, of the light energy source. It manifests as a blinding gold shield protecting

  only what's within the shield. I possess the red dragon which manifests itself into a red

  lightening. When used together it can be deadly as you saw.” He let his hand slide from her shoulder, down her arm to her hand. He gently squeezed it.

  Kat didn't know what to say. Some of the things he said were ridiculous. Light energy, destined to be together. Maybe he got hit in the head during the fight for their lives. He didn't look crazy, but he certainly sounded like he was. She had just married a lunatic.

  “I know you think I've lost my mind Kat, but everything I've told you is true.”

  Kenji said hoping to convince her. “You also inherited your psychic ability from your mother. The flashes of the future that you sometimes have, she had them too.”

  Kat looked away from him as she quickly turned back yelling at him in frustration.

  “Some ability, I only see the flashes moments before they happen, what the heck good is

  that? How is that going to help if we need time to get away? Why is it that I'm just now learning about this light energy I have? Why couldn't I use it before now? And if my mother was so powerful why is she dead?”

  Kenji grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her gently speaking through clenched teeth. “Stop yelling and I'll answer your questions. Your mother was run through by a sword, that she could have survived if they hadn't soaked it with poison.

  The poison is what killed her. And your ability is a better advantage then having none

  at all. Believe me, it does help. You’re only now finding out about it because it had to be released from within. There was only one way to do that and you know what I'm talking about.”

  Kat narrowed her eyes at Ken as she pushed him away, before slapping him hard across the face.

  Everyone in the room gasped.

  “You lowdown, good-for-nothing, lying son-of-a.....”

  “Kat!” Ken shouted, grabbing her once again hoping to calm her down.

  She yanked herself from his grasp. “Nande sonna-koto shita-no!” Why would you do such a thing? Is that what that night was about the releasing of my pinned up light energy? If it was, I hope you enjoyed yourself because you won't be getting any no time soon. And if you

  cheat on me, I promise you'll-come-up missing.” She said the last sentence while poking him in the chest with her index finger.

  Ken caught her finger in his hand and proceeded to drag her from the room and up the stairs as she tried several times to dig in her heels an attempt to stop him. Once he reached the master bedroom he kicked the door closed behind them, locking it.

  Alex looked at the others before settling his gaze on Daichi. “Well we probably shouldn't wait up huh?”

  Daichi shot glance at Mi, then addressed everyone in the room. “We should all get some rest, we have a busy day ahead tomorrow. Cam you may stay in one of the bedrooms here in the main cabin, the rest of you may take the cabin closest to this one it has four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a fully stocked kitchen.

  Make yourselves at home. If you need anything please let me know. Good-night.” Daichi and Mi excused themselves to the kitchen.

  Mi spoke first, “Kat did not mean to hurt you, she is just feeling betrayed at the moment, by everyone she loves.”

  She placed her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. “I know that doesn't make it any

  easier but you know she loves you.”

  Daichi sighed knowing that Mi spoke the truth. “Yes I know, but I fear what will happen tomorrow when her past comes back to her.”

  Mi removed her hand from Daichi' shoulder, “We must not worry about that, as there is nothing we can do to stop it.”

  They both said a silent prayer that with Kenji's love Kat would get through facing

  tomorrow and her past. Because if they thought she was mad earlier, that was probably nothing compared to how she'd feel tomorrow.

  Somewhere in Japan

  “Those idiot assassins of yours failed again.” Yelled the thin, underweight man.

  The Japanese crime boss, sitting behind the desk was quickly losing patience with the

  nervous little, underweight man. “Yelling is not going to change anything, now sit down

  and stop pacing you’re wearing out my carpet.”

  The skinny little man took a seat in the chair near the desk. “We can't just sit here and do nothing!” He shouted anxiously.

  The well dressed, big bellied man with the cigar, inhaled deeply before exhaling a puff of smoke into the air, as he sat cross legged on the sofa. “I need to get back to the states, and I suggest that you two make arrangements to do the same.” He stood from the sofa and headed towards the door, as he was about to walk through the door he made one last remark. “When you both arrive contact me so that we can meet somewhere private, do not call my office use my cell number. See ya in the states.” With that he disappeared through the door.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kat quickly as
sumed a fighting stance with her feet apart, arms lifted, and palms straight.

  “Don't you dare come near me” Ken took a step towards her, she took

  a step back he continued to advance forward and she continued to back away. Seconds later her progress was stopped as she felt the bed at the back of her legs. It was only then that he stopped moving forward. He lifted his hands about in an attempt to embrace her.

  “Swannai-de!” Don't touch me, she yelled.